Antimicrobial Consumption Report

The new Antimicrobial Consumption Report will be presented in an evolutionary way, facilitating the analysis of the following data:
  • Tendency of DDD and DOT of each antimicrobial for a certain period.
  • Detailing of DDD and DOT by the means of an evolving graph of antimicrobials and selected periods.

1. How to access the new Antimicrobial Consumption Report

Access to the report can be done through the hospital or unit view mode as follows: Medical Intelligence Plataform > Dashboards > ABX Consumption > DDD/DOT Trending Dashboard.

2. Filter Options:

Select the period:

This filter corresponds to the total consultation period. It will be presented in a graph bar format, evolving and on a spreadsheet.

Unit Filters:

These filters will be available according to each user’s profile, however in the unit filter, one or more units can be selected. When no unit is selected, the search will refer to all units monitored by the Hospital Infection Control Committiee.

Presentation Format of Evolutionary Data:

This filter will make it possible to view the evolutionary graph (monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual), in the total period of the consultation.


In this filter, up to five antimicrobials can be selected, it will have the field filled with the following antimicrobials: meropenem, polymyxin B, cefepime, imipenem, vancomycin. However, these antimicrobials can be excluded, and others selected.

After defining the filter selection preferences, a search must be performed.

3. Printing Option:

This option allows the printing of the entire evolutionary panel, including the filters that were selected in the search.
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