Infection Control

The Epimed Monitor Infection Control System is dedicated to the management of data and indicators managed by the Infection Professional Control team (IPC team) and can be utilized as the main tool to measure and optimize prevention regulations and infection control related to Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs).

Infection Control

Using theEpimed Monitor Infection Control System makes it is possible to manage clinical data and microbiological exams of patients being monitored, thus, permitting a global vision of the patients’ line of care along the hospitalization.

Main Functionalities

Insertion and/or validation of HAIs

Antimicrobial Management – Stewardship: monitoring and adequacy assessment of all antimicrobials in use at the institution

Microbiological Data: the possibility to manage the sensitivity profile of all cultures of the institution, separated by samples or only those associated with certain sites of infection

Multidrug-resistant signaling recorded in previous hospitalizations and in current hospitalization

Editing and patient mapping in precaution control mapping in precaution control

Measuring alcohol consumption and frequency of use.

Online and real-time reports

Follow-up of the Follow-up of the , measurement of stratified rates and possibility of detailed investigation

With the Epimed Monitor Infection Control System, you can:

Monitor HAIs preventive measures
Create strategies to establish an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
Mapping resistant microorganisms
Follow the scenario of the hospital and community’s microbiome
Decrease exposure or prolongation to risks such as invasive procedures

Main Benefits

Report for notification

Provides key indicators in various important reporting formats for notifying and reporting HAIs. All of this online, with a user-friendly and easy-to-handle interface.

Safe Database

Delivers a robust database that allows you to query backward data in a quickly and organized manner, with all storage security.

Time Optimization

The system allows the insertion of data simultaneously with the multidisciplinary visit, to produce reports with automatic execution that can be saved in various formats.

Specialized Support

Technical support from experts with experience in Infection Control and committed to ensuring a better user experience.

Update to current recommendations

We are in line with updates on legislation, regulations, and guidelines on infection control.

Report for notification

Provides key indicators in various important reporting formats for notifying and reporting HAIs. All of this online, with a user-friendly and easy-to-handle interface.

Safe Database

Delivers a robust database that allows you to query backward data in a quickly and organized manner, with all storage security.

Time Optimization

The system allows the insertion of data simultaneously with the multidisciplinary visit, to produce reports with automatic execution that can be saved in various formats.

Specialized Support

Technical support from experts with experience in Infection Control and committed to ensuring a better user experience.

Update to current recommendations

We are in line with updates on legislation, regulations, and guidelines on infection control.

Interactive reports that generate key indicators for HAIs control and the reporting of data

Check out some of our

Antimicrobial consumption

Displays a panel measuring DDD, DOT and LOT/1,000 patient-days, separated by hospital unit and ICUs.

Antimicrobial consumption -
DDD/DOT - Evolutionary Panel

It allows better monitoring of the trend of antimicrobial use, through tables and evolutionary charts, for selected periods.

Microbiological Data

It makes it possible to track in detail and in real-time:

Main pathogens of the institution, identifying the most frequent samples.

Antimicrobial susceptibility separated by samples, showing the percentage of positivity.

Resistance profile of pathogens of all samples or only those linked to episodes of Infection.

Cross-matrix of antimicrobial susceptibility profiles identified throughout the hospital.

MDR pathogens of the institution.


Over 150 hospitals use and approve its efficacy

The Epimed Monitor Infection Control system is the market leader, specializing in the management of HAIs indicators and microbiological profile, utilizing the main hospitals in Brazil, Latin America, and Europe.

Check out how it Works!