Patient Safety

Allows for the notification of incidents that took place at the institution, generating a systemized approach in the investigation stage, thus, contributing to safe and effective assistance through continuous plans of improvement.

Incident Management and Patient Safety indicators

With the use of Epimed Monitor Patient Safety system, it is possible to identify and communicate early, high risk circumstances, near misses, and adverse events in the care processes and/or lines of care. Thus, contributing to safe and effective care through improvement plans.

Helps to better understand the profile and clinical characterization of incidents, optimizing the investigation process done by the unit’s team, thus, reducing costs and bettering the patient experience

Main Features

Incident notifications
London Protocol
E-mail alerts
Safety Huddle
Analyze the root of the problem
Action Plan 5W3H
Grouping notifications

With the Epimed Monitor Patient
Safety you can:

WHO Taxonomy

Notification and classification of incidents in accordance with the WHO Taxonomy

Detect early incidents that occurred at the institution

Allow a qualified analysis of adverse events

Monitor the entire process of investigating incidents and adverse events

Encourage the effective communication

Optimize resources in the incident management

Improve the efficiency of patient safety centers

Risk Circumstance

Near Misses

Incidents without harm

Risk with harm (light, moderate, grave and death)

Main Benefits


Anonymously notifying the incident in a structured and rapid form through different devices.


Establish agile and effective communication, through alerts, based on notification, resulting in the identification and prioritization of critical incidents.

Safety Huddle

The implementation of a safety huddle to foresee and/or identify problems related to patient safety and to face them through a collectively built action plan.

Individualized reports

Create an individualized incident report with the patient’s clinical information, the entire investigation process, and improvement plans.

WHO Taxonomy

It stimulates knowledge of teams about the aspects of an incident in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) incident concepts through the structured notification form.

Incident analysis

Analyze incidents using tools such as Root Cause Analysis, Bow-tie and London Protocol. Create action plans with the 5W3H tool and categorize the strength of the actions.


Manage information about the incidents, through interactive dashboards that allow qualified and personalized analysis with the application of multiple filters, such as: type of incident, severity, others.

Gerenciamento de anexos

Attach files at the different stages of the notification flow, from registration to validation of the action plan.

Main Segments

Outpatient clinic
Emergency service
Specialty clinics
Clinical laboratories
Diagnostic Imaging Services (DIS)
Home care
Pre-hospital care

Reports and interactive graphs provide exclusive and innovative indicators that allow:

Early Detection

The time between the incident and notification

Early Investigation

The time between the incident and investigation

Contributing Factors

The main factors that contributed to the events taking place in a determined period of time

Intervention Strenghts

The number of strong, intermediate and weak actions classified on the action plan

Disclosures Done

The number of disclosures made from the start of an event

Legal Action

Percentage of legal actions after disclosure

Over 400 clients use the system and approve its efficiency

The Epimed Monitor Patient Safety is the leading system for incident management used by the world’s most renowned health institutions.

See how the system works!

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