Educational Material

[Infographic] Mental health and post Covid: how the pandemic impacted the health of patients, families, and healthcare professionals


The pandemic had a great emotional impact on patients, families, and healthcare professionals, who had to deal with fear, professional instability, long working hours, lack of socialization, and high levels of stress.
With that in the mind, in the month of the Yellow September campaign, we prepared an infographic to clarify this issue of paramount importance in the post Covid scenario.

What is PICS?

Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) characterizes disabilities that permeate the individual’s physical, cognitive, or psychological field, and may persist for a few months or years after discharge from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

PICS Features

ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW)

It is muscle weakness developed during an ICU admission and occurs in:

  • 33% of all patients on ventilators;
  • 50% of all patients admitted with a serious infection, known as sepsis;
  • Up to 50% of patients remain in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for at least a week;
  • Patients who develop ICUAW can take more than a year to fully recover. ICU-acquired weakness makes daily activities difficult, including hygiene, dressing, eating, bathing, and walking. Such a disease can also significantly delay the patient’s resumption of normal activities.

Cognitive dysfunction

Problems related to remembering, paying attention, solving problems, organizing, and working on complex tasks. After discharge from the ICU, 30% to 80% of patients may experience this type of event, especially the elderly.
Cognitive dysfunction can affect the patient’s ability to return to work or carry out activities that involve organization and focus.

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