Educational Material

[Infographic] Patient safety trends for 2024 and their impacts on patients and families


Patient safety has been subject to constant evolution, driven by technological advances and the non-stopping search for improvements in the provision of healthcare.

As the years go by, it becomes imperative to delve into trends that not only define but substantially transform the healthcare landscape, establishing higher safety and effectiveness standards.

This content seeks to explore emerging technological and practical innovations, as well emphasize the repercussions of these trends on patients, their families, and healthcare professionals.

  1. Technological advances and constant monitoring:

One of the most noteworthy breakthroughs resides in the adoption of real-time monitoring technologies. In this context, smart devices and the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) emerge as protagonists, allowing continuous monitoring of patients.

Coupled with these technologies, the technology establishes a proactive approach, identifying and responding to deviations in health indicators before they manifest as clinical complications. This change not only anticipates complications but also empowers the patient’s involvement in their own care, fostering a more active participation in health management.


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